Mitja Jelenič Novak EN


Date of birth: 8 May 1967
Nationality: Slovene
Marital status: married


Master of Laws
Institution: Ministry of justice
Date: 1994
Degree: Bar exam

Institution: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law
Date: 1990 – 1993
Degree: Master’s degree in criminal procedural law

Institution: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law

Date: 1986 – 1990
Degree: Graduate lawyer


Bar Association of Slovenia (1996)


Mitja Jelenič Novak Law Firm
Address: Slovenska 55b, Ljubljana
Position: Attorney-at-law
Field: General legal practice; specialisation in criminal law
Listed in the lawyers directory from: 1 12 1996
Bar Association of Slovenia directory number:


Date: June 1994 – January 1997
City: Ljubljana
Company, institution, law firm: Miro Senica Law Firm
Position: clerk, attorney-at-law
Field of work: General legal practice
Date September 1990 – June1994
City: Ljubljana
Company, institution, law firm: Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana
Position: Research and teaching assistant for procedural law
Field of work: Criminal procedural law, English law terminology
Date: August 1991 – June 1992
Place: Charlottesville, Virginia, ZDA
Company, institution, law firm: University of Virginia, School of Law
Position: Early stage researcher; student
Field of work: Research and education in the following fields: evidence law, procedural law, substantive law, philosophy of law, and constitutional law.
Date: May 1993 – May 1994
City: Ljubljana
Company, institution, law firm: Office of the State Prosecutor General of the Republic of Slovenia
Position: Trainee prosecutor
Field of work: Bar exam preparation
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